Experience clear and simple instruction!
Over 130K students study with me on YouTube and enjoy my simple approach to the guitar. Join them now and start your journey today!
Inspiring 1-on-1 Guitar Lessons

Online Guitar Lessons
Learning guitar by yourself can be a lonely and overwhelming process, with success experiences few and far between. However, as your instructor, I can help you break through these barriers and guide you through the learning process, making it more enjoyable and ultimately leading to the success you’re seeking.
Personalized Lessons
Your lessons are designed to fit your unique goals, interests, and learning style, ensuring an enriching and enjoyable experience.
Fun And Success
With an emphasis on fun, and early and frequent success in the learning process, we strive to cultivate a mindset that prioritizes progress and self-expression.
Over 30 years of teaching experience, coupled with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in music, ensures that you receive expert guidance and mentorship from a highly skilled and knowledgeable instructor.
Optional Downloads
You have the option to download a video summary of your lesson, giving you the highlights of all the important things to practice so nothing gets lost.
Learn With Me

Patreon: Tablature, Early Access, And More
It is tough to remember everything from a video, that’s why most videos (not all) come with tab downloads so you can follow along with ease. You also get to see new content before anyone else and you can contact me and ask your questions!
To get access to these perks you can join my patreon page and make the most of the lessons I post on my youtube channel!

From Beginner To Rocking Riffs – Course
Embark on a musical journey from absolute beginner to confidently playing awesome rock riffs over ripping backing tracks. No more guessing what to practice next. Simply enjoy exploring the guitar and start having fun.
With “From Beginner To Rocking Riffs” you develop essential skills like good posture, various techniques, and a rhythmic and theoretical foundation for a life time of musical enjoyment.
Explore 100’s Of Free Song Tutorials
Learn Songs Step By Step With Detailed Lessons.
Free doesn’t have to mean “bad”. My song tutorials are in great detail where you learn not just what to play but also picking, fingerings, articulation, and more. Some of these lessons have tablature that is available via mymusicsheet or via patreon. The links are right there on the lesson page below the video.

Various Styles
This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about feature one.
Acoustic & Electric
This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about feature two.
This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about feature three.
This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about feature four.
Find Your Path, Take The Journey

In the past 30+ years I’ve helped hundreds of private students reach beyond their goals. You don’t have to do it all on your own, let’s do this together!
YouTube Views
Mailing List
Join me at Patreon and get more out of Your Guitar Workshop!
A lot of my lessons on youtube come with tablature or other sheetmusic to simplify your learning process. To get access to these tablatures you can join my patreon page and make the most of the lessons I post on my youtube channel!

Early Access
Get to see new content before anyone else! If fact, some videos are only available for patrons!
It is tough to remember everything from a video, that’s why most videos (not all) come with tab downloads so you can follow along with ease.
Live Streams
This is a chance for you to connect with me and share your thoughts, ask questions and get instant answers.
You can contact me and ask your questions.
Beginner Guitar Course
“From Beginner To Guitarist” with fun, step-by-step lessons!
Do you want to spend your precious time patching together random videos or are you ready to take your first step to achieve your goals.

Self Paced
A self-paced course that is structured with clearly focused modules and topics.
Download Materials
All practice guides and materials can be downloaded for offline learning. (excl. Videos)
Instructional videos, play along tracks, and images for quick visual understanding of a problem.
Video Messaging
No need to wait for a scheduled zoom call. Send video, audio or text messages and be notified when you get your reply.